
Breakdown Base Leg

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Breakdown Base Leg

The Breakdown Base Leg is the outer most part of the Breakdown Base. These legs are what give the base stability. Without the legs…you’re left with an empty tube. So you need legs, they’re important. Each breakdown base comes with two legs. It is possible that at some point you might need a replacement leg. If that is the case, you’ve arrived at the right spot. If you have a damaged leg, grab a new one today. Note: This is a SINGLE leg. You need TWO to complete a Breakdown Base.



Breakdown Base Leg

The Breakdown Base leg is the outer most part of our Breakdown Base. This is the part that provides the stability to each base. While it is the least likely component to get damaged or lost, it is entirely possible that you might need to replace one or two during the life cycle of your BDB. This is a single leg. Keep in mind that each Breakdown base requires TWO legs to be complete.

Manufactured to exacting tolerances, built for hard use

Our entire line of Breakdown Bases and components is built for hard use. This BDB leg is manufactured from 3/16″ steel via laser cutting and CNC forming. Each leg is compatible with our BDB components. We then finish off the base in a beautiful tan powder coat finish for durability. The powder coat finish adds a nice touch and keeps your components looking fresh for longer.

This base is designed with forward thinking in mind.

If you need a complete Single Breakdown Base, click HERE. For our Double Breakdown Base, Click HERE. The BDB is designed with future uses in mind. Expect a full line of accessories and other components in the near future. Maintenance is important to us, and for that reason we designed the BDB to be fully serviceable.