Cardboard Target Mounting Sticks
Cardboard Target Mounting Sticks are important to add to your range kit. They allow you to use your Gen 2 20″ target base to its fullest. The boards are sawn and planed to 7/8″ thick X 1 7/8″ wide. This dimension means they fit perfectly into your paper holders.
Finding proper “furring strips” can be difficult.
Over the years we have heard all the horror stories from our customers. Big box stores RARELY have consistently sized furring strips. They also are rarely straight. Not to mention your time, energy, money and fuel was spent driving there just to be disappointed. We made this extremely simple for anyone who has a GEN 2 target base.
The Gen 2 paper holders are different than Gen 1
Originally our 20″ base featured paper holders that were welded to the base. They were designed for 1X2 furring strips. When we upgraded to the Gen 2 base, we made the paper holders larger. We did this because of the inconsistencies of commercially available 1X2 boards. We also wanted to offer a more robust solution that can take more abuse. So we increased the size and design of the paper holders to accommodate. For this reason, we also decided to offer our OWN solution for a more robust target mounting stick.
Inexpensive, easy to use, easy to replace when needed.
We are committed to offering solutions to shooters no matter the budget. We recognize the value of shooting USPSA targets, so we created a solution.