
T-Post Target Mounts

  • December 30, 2024
  • By Jared Daub
T-Post Target Mounts

We finally dropped our T-Post Target Mounts. We have TWO options for discerning shooters working towards mastery with firearms. The first is our Genesis T-Post Steel Target Mount. The Second is our Exodus T-Post Steel Target Mount. Both mounts work with 1.25 lb/ft tee posts. The Question is: Which one is right for YOU. We’ll dial that in through this blog. Buckle up and get ready to become better.

Buy Genesis T Post Steel Target Hanger Buy A-DAP / Exodus T Post Steel Target Hanger

Genesis VS Exodus Line of Steel Targets

Photos Above show the Exodus T-Post Target Hanger.

The 3 Photos above show the Genesis T-Post Hanger.

Before we talk about the T-Post Target Mounts, I wanted to take a moment to discuss our Genesis AR500 Targets VS our Exodus AR550 targets. It is easy to understand the differences and it can be boiled down as follows: The Genesis Line of AR500 Steel Targets and Target Systems is a budget line of targets. Because of this, you can get into a steel target for less money than our Exodus Line of Steel Targets. The Genesis Line is perfect for newer shooters and lower volume shooters, or folks looking to add more plates to their range. Additionally, the Genesis line is perfect to sprinkle in amongst your Exodus Plates.

The AR550 of the Exodus Line of Steel Targets is Swedish Armor. For this reason, the quality is second to none. Users get longer warranties, closer distance ratings, and more adjustability and performance from the Exodus Line. The Exodus line is notably more expensive per target plate or system. If you are a higher volume shooter, you should consider the Exodus Line of Steel Targets.

1.25 lb/ft T-Posts are required for the Genesis AND Exodus T-Post Target Hangers. Further, our Customers can find the correct T-Posts at almost all hardware and agricultural stores.

The Genesis T-Post Mount

The Genesis T-Post Target Mount is the least expensive way to mount a steel target in our lineup. Additionally, we feature a multitude of different target shapes and sizes in the Genesis AR500 Lineup. Furthermore, you can choose between standard silhouette sizes, or go for more of a challenge with our smaller Genesis target plates. The Genesis Tee post is a welded assembly and it simply slides over a T-Post. Additionally, the Genesis T-Post Mount is designed for 1.25 /b/ft T-posts. Further, T-Posts are readily found at most hardware stores around the country.

As you will see from the photos, the Genesis T Post Bracket features a single hole for hardware. You will use the included 1/2″ Carriage bolt, spring, and locking nut to secure a target plate to the bracket. Additionally, this bracket forces the target plate to hang at a forward lean angle. Thumb screws are included on the sides of the bracket to further lock the system together to the post. The Result of this design is an incredibly compact, lightweight, and loud ringing steel target system.

The objective of this bracket and the Genesis line of targets is to make target affordable for more people. We knew there was a need for inexpensive, safe, high performance systems on the market.

Distance Ratings of the Genesis Steel Targets

Each Genesis Target Plate has a sticker on the back that includes safe distances to engage. Further, we have Genesis User Manuals Available. Generally speaking, the Genesis Plates are rated at 10 yards for most common pistols, 100 yards for most common rifles, and 200+ yards for larger bore rifles. Genesis Target Plates are NOT 50BMG or wildcat cartridge rated. Please fully read your user manual prior to use to read ALL the distance requirements.

Genesis AR500 T-Post Distance Ratings
This table shows the Genesis 3/8″ AR500 Distance Requirements / ratings. You should ALWAYS follow our posted distance requirements.
The Exodus T Post Mount

High Volume Shooters should be looking to the Exodus T Post Mounts. Further, those who are looking to train on AR550 target plates should consider this mount. Complete Exodus Systems are fairly expensive and are packed with performance features; however, they are out of the budget of some individuals. The Exodus T Post Mount lessens the initial buy-in requirement to gain the performance of Exodus Steel Target Plates. You gain the advantage of a high performance, close distance rated system with less money required. This again makes our targets more accessible for more people.

Additionally, if you were looking for a less expensive way to sprinkle more Exodus Systems around your facility, this is a great way to do that .

Distance Ratings of The Exodus Steel Targets

Much like the Genesis Plates, Exodus Plates feature a helpful sticker on the back calling out safe shooting distances. Further, Exodus Target Plates enable you to train at closer distances with rifles. This is possible due to the engineering of the brackets, the steep forward lean angle, and the quality of the raw steel used in each Exodus Plate. Furthermore, the Exodus Line is a higher performance line and should be considered an absolutely premium product. High volume shooters should consider the Exodus Plates / Systems.

Exodus 3/8" AR550 T-Post Shooting Distance Requirements
This table shows the Exodus 3/8″ AR550 Shooting distance requirements. ALWAYS follow our distance requirements.
Exodus 1/2" AR550 T-Post Shooting Distance Requirements
This table shows the Exodus 1/2″ AR550 Shooting distance requirements. ALWAYS follow our distance requirements.
T-Post System or Complete? Which is best?

You may be wrestling with this question.Further, should you be considering a complete system with a base, or does a T Post System make more sense? Ultimately, there is no wrong answer. Here are some things you should be considering:

A Dedicated System WITH a portable base makes the most sense when:
  • You are in rocky terrain and it would be very difficult to pound a T Post into the ground
  • The ability to quickly move targets around the range is important to you
  • You do not have dedicated property that you own (or lease) that you can train on anytime you like
  • The elegance and versatility of a moveable system is important to you
  • You don’t mind spending a bit more money for the dedicated base
A T-Post System makes the most sense when:
  • You find yourself on a tighter budget OR you want your money to get you more systems
  • Your range is your own range, one that you can leave systems set up
  • You already have other systems that are portable and you want versatility spread out across your range
  • T Posts are already around your property
  • The ground on your property is suitable for pounding in T-Posts
Installing a T-Post into the ground:

Installing the T-Posts into the ground is easy and fast with a proper Tee Post Driver. Additionally, we manufacture a Tee Post Driver that makes this safe and painless.

We fully weld and powder coat the T Post Driver. You will appreciate the handles, the weight, and the fast ability to drive posts into the ground. This tool is a much safer option versus using a hammer. Additionally, hammers tend to palmate the end of the post, making it impossible to slide the bracket onto the post. Further, the T Post Driver spreads the load over the entire face of the post, reducing the chance that the end of the post will be beat up. Remember: Always wear safety glasses whenever driving posts into the ground. NEVER forget this step!

Need Help Deciding?

The choice between a T-Post or Complete Portable Target system with a base can be daunting. Send our Customer Service Team an email with questions. Furthermore, our Customer Service team can answer your questions, schedule a call, and help point you in the right direction. One thing is certain: All products we manufacture are quality and built to help you become better trained. Further, we do not sell “junk systems”. You will be able to use your targets for many years to come. Our T-Post mounts and target hangers are no exception. Our YouTube Channel is also an amazing source for training, product info, and reviews. Check it out today.




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