The reality is the political elite control the narrative. They control the conversation and attempt to silence those who go against the “norm”. What does this mean? Well, to be clear, it means we have much work to do as a community of freedom loving individuals. There is a culture war against who we are. If you speak against the narrative of control and restriction, your ability to reach people will be diminished. Social media and big tech attempt to control what is real or fake. This seems like a helpless situation, but it is not.
Throughout all of history, Art and entertainment is directly in line with politics. Art is culture, culture affects politics. Politics are downstream from culture. If culture is thriving, full of moral people who desire to be free, politics will follow. If the people beg for masters, masters will follow. Simple.
Our companies mission is becoming increasingly clear: influence and change culture. This is something we are committed to. The question is: How can we do it?