
Genesis Steel Target Systems

  • August 2, 2024
  • By Jared Daub
Genesis Steel Target Systems

The Genesis Steel Target Systems are built for a very specific purpose. Each system has been manufactured to keep the barrier of entry into a quality system as low as possible. This is the next phase of TA Targets. Let’s get into it.

Genesis Steel Target System

A Budget Friendly Option for New Shooters

Our company began life tailoring to higher volume shooters who needed steel targets that could stand up to extremely close range rifle training. We built TA Targets as a team over the last 9 years off the belief that EVERY citizen should be prioritizing training. We believe it is our duty to practice our rights and become a truly “well regulated” militia. I found myself wrestling with one question: What if we as a company are isolating a group of the population? Sure, it’s great to create the most durable AR550 steel targets on the planet. Were we TRULY servicing ALL capable citizens? I think the answer to that question was, unfortunately, no. It’s not that we didn’t want to, it’s that the controls and manufacturing and raw materials we chose to use resulted in an expensive system.

You and I both know the pressure everyone is under right now. This world is difficult to navigate financially. You still need to train and practice your rights and build your skills. The issue is that has become even more financially difficult than ever before. One thing has become abundantly clear to me as one of the owners of TA Targets: We have a truly incredible team. We are surrounded by people who will tackle any obstacle and create solutions for you all. The Genesis Systems do just that, and they do that extremely well.

Genesis Gong Target Plates

8.5X11 AR500 Gong Target 8" Square AR500 Gong Hybrid Reduced C Zone AR500 Gong

Genesis Gong Targets are manufactured from Domestic AR500 Steel. This keeps the cost at a reasonable level and keeps the entry level low. We curated a supplier that ensures maximum quality AR500 steel. Consistency and uniformity is key here. Each Genesis plate is Laser Cut to exacting standards. Multiple holes can be found on each plate (except the Reduced C Zone, C Zone, and Postcard) which create versatile hanging solutions. You get to choose from (currently) 14 shapes and sizes. Genesis Plates utilize 3/8″ AR500 Steel. The Genesis Section of our site utilizes a simple to navigate layout. Easy on your eyes, mind and wallet.. No longer will you wrestle over which plate to buy or system to run. Simply pick the shape and size plate you want and choose from our mounting methods.

Tee Post Genesis Gong Hangers

Genesis Tee Post System

Our customers have asked for a TEE Post solution off and on since the beginning. We had dabbled with some designs, but never took it across the proverbial finish line. That all changed earlier this year. We made the choice to supply you all with the most cost effective solution for safe steel target training. You can take any 1.25 lb/ft Tee post and this bracket and mount ANY Genesis target plate for training. One bolt, bracket, target plate and tee post and you can get to training. Additionally, the Tee Post system keeps your range free from bases. This means you will have an easier time mowing, trimming weeds, and keeping your range free of debris. Is the Tee Post Hanger the solution for everyone? Likely no. But it is a solid option for so many people, so we are excited to offer it!

The Tee Post bracket is welded from standard Mild Steel. We then powder coat the bracket with a Grey Beige color like our other systems. The powder coat keeps the bracket free of rust, which in turn prolongs your investment. While some may look at this as a “cheap” solution, it is highly effective. From a performance and cost standpoint, few systems offer as much value.

Genesis Complete Target System

If you are looking for a complete target system, the Genesis System will offer you extreme value. You can choose any of our Genesis AR500 Gongs for your system. Additionally, you choose from either the Genesis Target Base, Breakdown Base, or Gen 3 20″ round Base. The Genesis base is purpose built to offer only what you need at an extremely low price. This complete system features our single hole gong mount that slides over a standard 2X4 board. The entire system sets up in about 2 minutes. Once everything is assembled, you can leave everything connected. Only take it apart if you need to replace hardware or other components.

The Genesis Systems utilize a single bolt and a spring. You’ve seen this on other systems on the market. While not as elegant as the A-DAP system (The lean is not adjustable and the targets don’t move as much), the bracket creates a nice forward lean. This forward lean is important to direct bullet fragmentation down to the ground. Additionally, a nice forward lean dispels the bullet energy and helps the plate to last longer. Much of the DNA from our A-DAP target systems exist in the Genesis, as you can see. You will only need one 3/4″ open end wrench or socket for installation. Installation of the target plate takes about a minute. The Single Hole Bracket ships assembled. The Genesis Base will need assembled upon receipt. You will find a free Breakdown Base Tool in your base box.

Genesis Steel Target Base

This base is truly a simplistic masterpiece. We took DNA from the Cardboard Base and the Breakdown Base and created a simpler, lightweight, yet stable solution for the Genesis Systems. One thing you should note: The Genesis Steel Target Base is NOT recommended for our A-DAP system. This is simply due to the positioning of the 2X4 tube. It is further forward than the A-DAP system likes, which throws off the center of gravity. The Genesis Steel Target Base is offered standard without paper holders. That being said, you can add them to your base on the product page if desired. This base is phenomenal for cardboard our our Genesis AR500 Gong Targets. Similarly to the Breakdown Base, the Genesis Base can be bolted into a more compact form factor for transport.

Don’t feel like doing that? no problem. Keep your base assembled always and it will be ready to serve you at a moments notice. Further, this base works amazingly with the USPSA cardboard targets.

Gong Hangers (Conduit and Deluxe):

You may have even noticed that we shifted our Gong hangers to the Genesis side of our site. This was to keep these elegant options right next to our Genesis AR500 Gong Target Plates. Basically just to streamline your shopping experience. They are the same great quality you have come to love, but are grouped with the Genesis Systems. The Deluxe system is a beefy, capable system that uses 2X4’s for the frame. The Conduit system is a simpler, less expensive option. The Conduit is great to save you money, especially if you only want to hang one or two gong plates.

Conduit Gong Hanger

Distance Ratings of the Genesis Target Plates

The Genesis System is NOT a close range rifle rated system. If you are looking for a high volume close range system, The A-DAP system is your only choice. Always follow the below distance requirements:

  • 9mm, .40 S&W, .45 ACP, 10MM: 10+ Yards with standard ammunition. (Same Distance with Pistol Caliber Carbines in these calibers)
  • 41 Magnum, 44 Magnum, 454 Cassul: 25+ Yards with revolvers (Rifles MUST adhere to rifle distances)
  • 300 BLK Subsonic: 25+ Yards
  • Shotguns with bird and buck shot (NEVER USE STEEL OR TUNGSTEN): 10 Yards
  • 300 BLK Super Sonic: 100+ Yards
  • Rifles Up to .223 / 5.56 NATO (3,000 FPS or LESS muzzle Velocity): 100+ Yards
  • Rifles up to 308 Winchester: 100+ Yards
  • Shotgun Slugs: 100+ Yards (more wear and tear will occur over time with high volume slug usage)
  • Magnum Rifles: 200+ Yards
  • 50BMG & Wildcat/Custom Cartridges: NOT ACCEPTABLE. EVER.

As you can see, the Genesis Systems have very different distance ratings than our A-DAP systems. There are always tradeoffs. The 3/8″ AR500 steel and non-adjustable mounting means you get a VERY cost effective solution. need to shoot at further distances with rifles. Rifle distances are determined with ammunition that is 3,000 FPS OR LESS at the muzzle. For every 100 FPS OVER 3,000 FPS muzzle, you MUST add 25 yards distance. For example, a 5.56 NATO round that is traveling 3300 FPS requires you to shoot at 175 Yards to ensure safety and target longevity. These are requirements, NOT recommendations.

What designates “Proper Ammunition”?

There is often much confusion around what constitutes proper ammunition. Full Metal Jacket ammunition is acceptable. Hollow point and soft point and ballistic tip ammo is also acceptable. Please note: Some larger, faster hollow point ammo will leave minor impressions on your target plates. This is normal and does not cause safety concerns UNLESS it creates a crater. If you see a crater with ANY of your ammo, stop shooting and change ammunition immediately. Improper ammunition would consist of: Bi-Metal Jacketed ammo (For Genesis, A-DAP systems can be used with Bi-Metal), M855, SS109, M855A1, and any other penetrator, solid copper, armor piercing, or incendiary ammunition. If you EVER have questions about proper ammunition, please contact us first.

Is solid copper ammunition acceptable? For our Exodus Line of targets, solid copper ammunition is acceptable at required ranges. For the Genesis, we recommend NOT using solid copper munitions. Solid copper ammo can cause more wear and tear on your system, which could cause failures or unsafe conditions.

Maintenance of The Genesis Steel Targets

Maintenance is basically simply keeping fresh paint on your target, inspecting for pits, chips, or cracks, and replacing the hardware as needed. Prior to shooting each range day, inspect the target plate. If you see ANY craters deeper than 1/8″, you should flip the plate to the opposite side. Additionally, if you see warping of the target plate, you might need to replace the plate. We state that if the plate is curved less than 3/16″ over the entire plate, it is safe to use. If you see more curve than that, it’s time to replace your target. Additionally, if you ever see cracking of any kind, discontinue use immediately and purchase a replacement target plate.

Does the Single Hole or Tee Post Hanger work with our A-DAP target plates?

The short answer is: No. We currently don’t have plans to offer a Tee post hanger for the A-DAP system, but that could change. For now, only the Genesis target plates will interface with the single hole or Tee post steel gong target hangers. Don’t Fret! The Genesis systems take a beating, ring loud, and provide you immense value during training. They are a solid investment.

Warranty and Guarantees

These systems feature a 30-day manufacturer guarantee. We guarantee that your system will arrive in proper order, ready to be assembled for use. Additionally, you can purchase an extended Warranty on our website if you desire. We balanced cost, materials, manufacturing processes, to create this system. The additional warranty offers some peace of mind in the event that your system fails under NORMAL use. Understand: We do not cover intentional abuse, misuse, neglect, or shooting closer than required distances. We can always tell, so please use your system properly and safely.

Is The Genesis System Right For You?

Is the Genesis the perfect steel target system for your needs? If you are just getting into shooting, are a weekend warrior, have a tighter budget but still need a quality system, this system is for you. Even if you have our A-DAP system, you can sprinkle your range with Genesis Targets to add value and variety to your training. Pick challenging sizes and shapes and push your skills. The Genesis Systems have your back so you can become better prepared to defend life. Or just plink and enjoy the freedom to shoot. That’s ok too.

So while we did not totally reinvent the steel target wheel like we did with our A-DAP systems, we did create a solution you benefit from. If you are having trouble deciding on a target system, please email us at: We would love to answer your questions, take a phone call, or just hear your feedback. Train well.



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