Downloadable Targets

Downloadable Targets

Downloadable targets can be a great way to train, no matter where you are at on your firearm training journey. The fact is, they ALWAYS have a place for fundamentals. Even if you have a range full of our steel, we would still recommend coming back to the basics and working those fundamentals. Below you will find a few of our personal target templates that we created for our own use. We use these weekly. All you need to do is download (for free) and print on your home printer. Feel free to use them whenever you are out training and be sure to tag us if you print off these targets. We will be releasing more in the near future as well.





This target is designed to give any pistol shooter a road map to work on some basic drills. This drill can be done at any distance, but for new shooters we recommend 3-5 yards and add distance as skill increases. At the end of the drill, use the second black square to reinforce good trigger press and sight alignment.

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AR15 Height Over Bore Target

This target is to provide a visual representation of what happens with modern carbines and modern optics at closer distances. Aiming center of the circles will result in low misses at close distances. To land shots in the circles, the shooter must aim at the black square. This is simply a practice target used for understanding the basics of height over bore.

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Speed Control Drill

This drill is to practice speed control with various target sizes. This can be used with pistols or rifles. The small circle requires very precise, slow shots. The larger circles allow an increase in speed. Use this as a tool when practicing speed vs accuracy vs acceptable hits with different platforms. If using a carbine or pistol with a red dot, account for height over bore of optic by aiming above the circle.

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November 2021 Drill Challenge: #PumpkinDrill

This is a drill from November 2021. While the challenge is technically closed, feel free to download and print this target for your own training and growth. Full instructions are on the paper when printed.


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May 2022: Stop Drop Bang Drill

Introducing the May 2022 community drill: Stop Drop Bang!

Print this pdf file on 8.5×11 paper Portrait in full scale. Run this drill and post a video of the run and you can be entered into the contest for your chance to win some sick gear. FULL details of this drill can be found on the downloaded pdf and on our BLOG section of our site.



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November 2023 Pumpkin Drill Challenge

The drill for November 2023 is a good one. We’re bringing back the pumpkins! Read the instructions on the downloadable/printable target. Or read the Blog Post HERE:

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