
Does My Vote Even Matter?

  • November 3, 2024
  • By Jared Daub
Does My Vote Even Matter?

I wrestle with this question just like you probably do: Does MY Vote Even Matter? While it is a simple question to ask on the surface, it is far more complex to analyze. Listen, this isn’t going to be a blog about convincing you to vote, although spoiler alert: I will be voting. All I desire from this blog is to teach you some lessons that I have been learning in my life. Lessons that have changed my entire outlook on life, my purpose, and why it is so vital to do my part to change the culture. But first, I have some bad news for you.

You are only one person.

I can hear your thoughts now: “I’m only one person. I cannot be enough. It’s hard enough to feed my family, how the heck am I going to make a change?!” When we harbor these attitudes, we diminish our potential. The truth is, if you believe that all to be true, you will certainly have little impact in the world. The other bad news is this will be difficult and it will require immense sacrifice, discipline, and focus. I guess what I am saying is I have learned that living by example will cost me something. It will always cost me something.

I spent most of my life believing that I had the ability to influence and make change, but on the other hand wrestled with insecurities, failure, and feeling less than enough to impact others. I am finding that is a lie, and the truth is one person can make a radical change in our world.

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” 

The example we SET is the example others SEE.

I came to find that more people watch me (and you) than what I would ever realize. Sure, some simply want to witness my failures, crashing and burning. These people hope for my demise. We all have enemies and those who wish ill upon us. But there will always also be people who watch and wonder “will he be able to make it?” And what happens when you do make it? They SEE it. When you arrive early, they notice.

As you increase your discipline, it is witnessed. You never know how many eyes will be watching you, paying attention, and taking notes. Your actions are not your own. Okay, I’m sure at that point you are thinking I am crazy, but listen to what I am saying: Your actions set a standard for others to follow! You can be the catalyst that encourages another person to act. Then they encourage another, and another, and it continues. One example becomes many.

How does this compare to voting?

You may be asking this question, I know I did. I wrestled with this idea that it’s a great “theory” to think that your life can have such a profound impact, but what does that look like in reality? And how does that tie into the act of casting a ballot? Here’s the basic premise: If I cannot do the easy things, I will never do the hard things. This isn’t a “gotcha” to convince you to go vote. It’s just like getting to work on time. If I cannot trust an employee with timeliness, I will not trust them with anything of importance.

As I witness more and more discipline, I will extend more and more trust. Additionally, as I witness within myself  a life altering execution of discipline, it encourages me to keep pushing. I see results, and I continue to do the work, to put in the time. Understand what I am saying: I fell into the category of complaining that my vote did not matter, yet I was doing NOTHING in my personal life to set a standard. I want to you now analyze your life. What are you doing for the eyes that may (and likely are) watching you closely? Someone is watching, your example is becoming their standard. Employees, co-workers, strangers at the store, and our children are watching. What does our life tell them about us?

It is easier to build than to repair brokenness

Fredrick Douglass can be quoted saying “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” What the heck does that have to do with voting? Well, maybe not much. But I do see a correlation here that is worth considering. Let’s switch the words “Children” and “Men” with the word “Nation”. It is easier to build a strong nation, than to repair a broken nation. Do you see it now? This is what Franklin warned us about when he said “….A republic, if you can keep it.” The idea here is that if we desire to see a strong nation build on a common foundation, then we are responsible to set the standard.

Think of it like a companies culture. I know, most of you have not experienced a healthy work environment or culture. If you have, you are one of the few, and I know you will understand what I am saying. A strong culture requires leadership, but not just any kind of leadership. It’s the kind of leader who takes care of others first, who sacrifices, to leads by example, and then holds accountable to a strict standard. Our lives are that example. If we simply coast through life, then we are NOT a part of this culture, we are actively decaying it. We are at fault for what we see and experience.

It isn’t politics, it’s personal.

You see, it’s easier to blame someone else. That isn’t a revolutionary concept, but it is true. It is easier to point at your least favorite politician and declare that THEY are the problem. By doing so, you remove your responsibility and you also limit your power, the inner fire that you possess to leave legacy and impact. It is harder to blame myself than it is to blame whichever politician is currently trying to claim the “throne”. The sad part was it took me almost 30 years to understand this and to start to implement changes in my life to correct my course.

In my life I no longer accept this idea that “they” can negatively impact my life. I know my rights and my calling. I will fight literally to the death to protect myself, my family, and my culture. So be it if that is the road that is forced upon me. But we must refuse to accept this idea that a senator, congressman, representative on our township board, or the president is the reason we are where we are today. That is not saying that these positions do not have impact, but they are NOT the sole reason.

Our example builds a standard.

The “best and brightest” are not our choices for office. Why is that? I argue that it is because we have not demanded to elect our best and brightest to begin with. We have not SET the example that we demand to see, so we receive low quality, ignorant individuals who are bent on lining their pockets and building their wealth. That is our fault! Hear what I am saying: we MUST accept responsibility for the brokenness of our nation. Yes, the saying is true: It is easier to build something healthy than to fix something broken. We already find ourselves in a broken space, which demands us even more to remain an example we desire to see. We are entrusted to this nation, it is our duty to do the little things AND the hard things. Voting, is little. It’s easy and it asks very little of YOU.

So the question remains, Does my Vote Even Matter?

Does My Vote Even Matter? I honestly am not sure. Will one vote change the chances of theft, of lies, of deceit, of the outcome? I still wrestle with the question, but I will absolutely vote anyway. Why? Because it takes me so little time and effort, and I do believe if you show up in massive numbers, the results are irrefutable. Make it so hard to fake, to deceive, to cheat. Make it abundantly clear how our votes are cast: In the direction of liberty. I’m not going to tell you WHO to vote for, but I will tell you that it’s the simplest duty you hold. Do it intentionally.

But further, remember that others are watching. Little eyes pay attention to you, rely on you. You are called to a higher standard, to a vision and purpose. As you navigate your life, remember that what you do and say has real impact. You and I have an opportunity to change this world for the better. I will do my part. I will wake up early, execute with purpose. I’m following a vision for my life and hoping that it inspires even one person to do the same. If that life inspires even one soul, than real change has been accomplished. You don’t need to solve every problem, but you do need to own your life.

Go vote. Live with purpose. Become better.

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