Dueling Tree 308 Paddles

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Rifle Dueling Tree 308 Paddles

You are considering a set of SIX 1/2″ AR550 paddles that are purpose built for calibers like 308 win. and 6.5 CM. If you have our Rifle Dueling Tree and you want paddles for your larger rifles, we have good news! You found them. Grab a set and get to training.

You are purchasing a set of SIX paddles, which is enough for ONE complete Rifle Dueling Tree System. This does NOT include the base or upright support for the system or any hardware.


Dueling Tree 308 Paddles

Dueling Tree 308 Paddles. This paddle is designed for 308 and calibers similar in ballistics to a 308 (.243, .30-06, 6.5 creedmoor). It is made from 1/2″ AR550 steel. You are purchasing a set of six paddles here. This is enough paddles to completely replace all paddles for our Rifle Dueling Tree System. For pistol or 556 use, we recommend the reduced pistol paddles. The 308 paddles are very large to withstand the extra energy from calibers like 308, and therefore are too heavy to consistently flip with light calibers. The Strike area of these paddles is approximately 5″ wide x 6″ tall.

Set of Six Paddles, Just enough for one Dueling Tree.

You are purchasing a set of SIX paddles, which is enough for ONE complete Dueling Tree System. This does NOT include the base or upright support for the system or any hardware.

A note about this paddle: This is a NEW revision to the older 308 paddles. The older 308 paddles were made from 3/8″ AR550 steel and the new version is made from 1/2″ AR550 steel. Some modifications to the design of the gussets for the dueling tree was necessary to fit the new 1/2″ Paddles. For customers who have ordered a Rifle Dueling Tree from Sept 11, 2019 and forward, these are drop in paddles for your rifle Dueling Tree system. For customers who have purchased their Rifle Dueling Tree Prior to this date, please contact us via email (info@tatargets.com) prior to placing your order.

Does This Product Fall Under Prop. 65 Warnings?
  • Maybe. Just in case, be sure not to eat the paint or lick the target before or after you’ve shot it. If you are just curious, led tastes horrible and will probably cause mental damage. If you have done it once you are likely to do it again. Handle at your own risk, if you choose, you may wear an industry grade hazmat suit and gas mask with a HEPA filter and good luck charm on your wrist. For more information visit https://oehha.ca.gov/proposition-65